Aurélie Condevaux, Associate Professor
University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Aurélie Condevaux is Assistant Professor at IREST (Institute for Research and Higher Studies on Tourism)- Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Member of EIREST (Interdisciplinary Research Group on Tourism). She holds a PhD in social anthropology from Aix-Marseille University/C.R.E.D.O. (Center for Research and Documentation on Oceania, UMR 7308). Her thesis, defended in 2011, was entitled “Polynesian Performances: local adaptations of a «cultural-tourism formula» in New Zealand and Tonga”. She received the Eugène Fleischmann Fundation Research Grant in 2015-2016 and was a postdoctoral fellow of the Labex CAP (Laboratory of excellence Creation, Arts and Heritage), Quai Branly Museum in Paris in 2012-2013. She taught in different universities: Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (Switzerland), University François Rabelais in Tours, University of Strasbourg, University of Poitiers (France).
Selection of publications:
- Condevaux, Aurélie, Maria Gravari-Barbas et Sandra Guinand (éds.), 2021 (à paraître), Tourism Dynamics in Everyday Places: Before and After Tourism,
- Condevaux A., Leblon A. (dir.), 2017, Autrepart, n° 78-79 «Construire des «patrimoines» culturels en mobilité: acteurs, circuits, réseaux»/Cultural «Heritage» Assets and Mobility: Actors, Channels, Networks».
- Condevaux, Aurélie, 2011, «Gender and Power in Tongan tourist performances», Ethnology, 50(3): p.223-244.
- __2009, «Maaori Culture on Stage: Authenticity and Identity in Tourist Interactions», Anthropological Forum, 19: p.143-161.