Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation
Download the Proceedings of the 1st INTOCUS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE!
8 – 9 MARCH 2024, Athens, Greece
Harokopio University (GR), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (FR), University of The Aegean (GR)
MSc Programme in Strategic Management of Tourism Destinations and Hospitality Enterprises
CHANGED VENUE: Crowne Plaza Athens Hotel, situated at 50 Michalakopoulou Avenue, 11528, Athens (https://www.cpathens.com/).
The venue is a 5-minute walk from Megaron Moussikis metro station (blue line). Please check the directions here (https://maps.app.goo.gl/
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While the emphasis of the conference is on the interlinkages between tourism and culture/ heritage, abstracts/ papers may relate to (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Contemporary and recent heritage and sustainable tourism development
- Crisis management in the tourism, culture and heritage sectors
- The changing roles of tourism stakeholders, problems and perspectives
- Limits of acceptable change and nature-based solutions
- Sustainable planning and marketing for tourism and culture/ heritage
- Policy-making and governance in the sectors of tourism and culture/ heritage
- New approaches to destination management
- New paradigms of governance for sustainable tourism and culture/ heritage
- New ethics in sustainable tourism and culture/ heritage
- Local/ regional community-based and bottom-up approaches in tourism planning
- Co-creation, co-development and innovation in bottom-up, participatory, creative, community-based initiatives in tourism
- Awareness raising, sensitization, mobilization of local societies/ communities for tourism, heritage and local development
- Education on sustainable programs in tourism and heritage
- The digital turn in tourism
- Special-interest tourism products
- The role of the landscape in new tourism shifts/ trends
- Off-the-beaten-track tourism and heritage development
- Intangible heritage and tourism
- New urban tourism
- Smart tourism
Maria Gravari-Barbas
Sofoklis Skoultsos
Theano S. Terkenli
Paris Tsartas
Konstantinos Abeliotis – Harokopio University
Francesca Cominelli – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Evangelia Georgitsogianni – Harokopio University
Vasiliki Georgoula – University of the Aegean
Maria Gravari Barbas – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Nicholas Karachalis – University of the Aegean
Alexios-Patapios Kontis – University of The Aegean
Ioannis Kostakis – Harokopio University
Vasiliki Kostarelli – Harokopio University
Anna Kyriakaki – University of The Aegean
Roido Mitoula – Harokopio University
Andreas Papatheodorou – University of The Aegean
Despoina Sdrali – Harokopio University
Sofoklis Skoultsos – Harokopio University
Theodoros Stavrinoudis – University of The Aegean
Theano S. Terkenli – University of the Aegean
Eleni Theodoropoulou – Harokopio University
Linda Boukhris, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Aurélie Condevaux, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Sébastien Jacquot, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Jean-Michel Chapuis, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
Jean-Michel Tobelem, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IREST
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Abstract text should not exceed a total of 1000 words and the keywords must be 6 or fewer.
Please Submit your Abstract at intocus@hua.gr.
Please follow the template provided here.
Early Registration (Extension – ΤΒΑ ASAP): 230 EUR
Full Registration: 280 EUR
Student Early Registration: 100 EUR
Student Full Registration: 120 EUR
Further registration details will be announced soon.
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
Via Tourism Review https://journals.openedition.org/viatourism
Tourism Geographies
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